St. Andrews Building
The St. Andrews church building was completed in 2000 and in that year received an award from The Construction Association of Michigan. It was named as one of the twelve most outstanding buildings constructed in the State of Michigan in that year.
The outstanding feature of the building is the site upon which it stands – atop a hill overlooking Platte Lake, Sleeping Bear Dunes, Lake Michigan and islands beyond. The sanctuary is surrounded on three sides by windows.
What follows is a portion of the sermon preached by founding pastor, Dr. Ned Edwards on the first Sunday in the new sanctuary:
So what is this building saying to us today? As you came in, you saw two stone pillars at the entrance, reminiscent of Solomon’s temple., They are joined by a large white St. Andrews cross, the cross of the church in Scotland, reminding us where we came from. Under the roof we saw four cottage- like houses, with cedar fascia, gathered together. In the words of Jesus: “In my father’s house are many mansions..”
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